

Targeted companies and business details

Name of organization
Address Details of targeted businesses
Head office 1-3-7 Dainichi-cho Moriguchi-city,Osaka Management activities involving various companies of the Daiho Group
MOLD Division/KANTO Branch Office 1378 Shimoishigami Otawara-city,Tochigi Maintenance and sales of metallic molds
MOLD Division/KANSAI Branch Office 3-5-1 Ishibeguchi konan-city,Shiga Maintenance and sales of metallic molds
KANTO Company Ashikaga Factory 1475 Fukutomishinmachi Ashikaga-city,Tochigi Maintenance and sales of metallic molds
KANTO Company Otawara Factory 1378 Shimoishigami Otawara-city,Tochigi Manufacturing and sales of plastic products
KANSAI Company Konan Factory 3-5-1 Ishibeguchi konan-city,Shiga Manufacturing and sales of plastic products
KANSAI Company Tottori Factory 158 Takasumi Tottori-city,Tottori Manufacturing and sales of plastic and PIM products
KANSAI Company Kouno Factory 4-1-2 Ishibeguchi Konan-city,Shiga Manufacturing and sales of plastic products and recycled materials
KYUSYU Company Fukuoka Factory 7-5 Shikabe Koga-city,Fukuoka Manufacturing and sales of plastic products
KYUSYU Company Omuta Factory 132-3 Nishimiyaura-cho Omuta-city,Fukuoka Manufacturing and sales of plastic products
-Tokyo Sales Office and Nagoya Sales Office,KANSAI Company Nagoya Sales Office, KANTO Company Sendai Center are not included.


Environmental Policy

  1. We will establish and promote an environmental management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO14001: 2015.
  2. Daiho Group will implement sustained efforts to improve environmental performance and protect the environment (preventing pollution and mitigating climate change).
  3. We will strive to reduce our environmental burden by maintaining good environments within and outside our facilities.
    • Business activities that are beneficial to the environment (e.g., promotion of recycling)
    • Efficient use of energy
    • Efficient use of resources
    • Reducing waste
  4. We will uphold our obligation to comply with, e.g., regulations associated with environmental laws.
  5. We shall actively promote the fostering of human resources to achieve our environmental goals.

April 1,2023
President:Katsutoshi HATSUDA

These environmental policies shall be announced within the company, and a “Daiho Eco Handbook” shall be distributed to employees to ensure thorough awareness. They shall also be publicized outside the company through our website.

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